2 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Hungarian Lessons - introduction - Basic Hungarian Language

Hungarian Language Lesson 1-Hi/Bye   - LECKE 1


Hungarian orthography's principles include being phonemic along with being traditional, etymological and simplifying. Therefore most words can be read out correctly, if one knows the pronunciation of the letters.

The pronunciation of Hungarian letters which follows is that of standard Hungarian.

LetterNamePhoneme(IPA)Complementaryallophones(IPA)[1]Close toNotes
Aa/ɒ/About this sound bod, call[ɑ̝̹] might describe it better (raised, more rounded; sign rendered probably incorrectly, containing two diacritical marks below). Still definitely not [ɔ]
Áá/aː/About this sound an extended cat, bad
B/b/About this sound as by, absence etc.
C/ts/About this sound like tsunami
Cscsé/tʃ/as check,cheek, etching etc.
D/d/About this sound deck, wide etc.
Dzdzé/dz/About this sound like in kidsdoes not occur at the beginning of words. When neither post- nor preconsonantic, always realised as a geminate.
Dzsdzsé/dʒ/jam, George, bridge, edge, fridgewhen final or intervocalic, usually realised as a geminate:maharadzsa /mɑhɑrɑdʒɑ/ [mɑhɑrɑd͡ʒːɑ] 'maharajah', bridzs/bridʒ/ [brid͡ʒː] 'bridge (card game)', but dzsungel /dʒuŋɡɛl/[d͡ʒuŋɡɛl] 'jungle', fridzsider /fridʒidɛr/ [frid͡ʒidɛr] coll. 'refrigerator'
Ee/ɛ/About this sound like less, cheque,edge, bedabout 40-50% of speakers also have a phoneme /e/ (see below at Ë). /e/ is not considered part of standard Hungarian, wherein /ɛ/ or /æ/ takes the place of /e/.
(Ë)ë/e/like in "same", without the /ɪ/ part of the diphthong /eɪ/Although not part of the alphabet, this symbol is sometimes used to denote the phoneme /e/, e.g. when noting down texts spoken or sung in a dialect where this sound is present.
Éé/eː/About this sound café, hey
Fef/f/About this sound find, euphoria
G/ɡ/About this sound get, leggo etc.
Gygyé/ɟ/About this sound (not used in English) similar to:duke, dew, due (British, not American, pronunciation)denoting /ɟ/ by <gy> is a remnant of (probably) Italian scribes who tried to render the Hungarian sound. <dy> would be a more consistent notation in scope of <ty>, <ny>, <ly> (see there), as the <y> part of digraphs show palatalisation in the Hungarian writing system.
H/h/1. [ɦ]About this sound  
3. [x]About this sound  
4. [ç]About this sound  
Basic: hi
1. behind
2. <mute>
3. LochChanukah
4. human
1. when in intervocalic position.
2. not rendered usually when in final position méh /meː/ 'bee',cseh /tʃɛ/ 'Czech (noun/adj.)'
3. seldom in final position, such as in doh 'dampness', MÉH'metal recycling facility'
4. seldom, such as in ihlet 'inspiration'
Ii/i/thick, thinPronounced the same as Í, only shorter
Íí/iː/About this sound lead, leave, seed, seaVowel length is phonemically distinctive in Hungarian: irt 'he eradicates' ∼ írt 'he wrote'
J/j/About this sound [ç][ʝ]you, yes, faithallophones occur when /j/ occurs after a consonant; (voiceless after voiceless, voiced after voiced consonants). e.g. férj'husband', kapj 'get! (imperative)'
K/k/About this sound key, kiss, weak
Lel/l/About this sound leave, list
Lyely, el ipszilon/j/About this sound hey, rayOrthographic tradition. Once /ʎ/, now /j/ in standard Hungarian.
Mem/m/About this sound mind, assume,might,
Nen/n/[ŋ]About this sound  
[n]About this sound  
thing, lying (before k,g),
need, bone (anywhere else)
allophone before /k/, /ɡ/
Nyeny/ɲ/About this sound new (in BE, not AE) niño/niña (Spanish)
Oo/o/force, sorcererA shorter, more open variant of Ó
Óó/oː/About this sound go, sew, snowminimal pair to /o/kor 'age' ∼ kór 'disease'
Öö/ø/(Not used in English; corresponds to German Ö) similar to: Bird, Third, HeardA shorter, more open variant of Ő
Őő/øː/(Not used in English; a longer, more closed variant of Ö, similar to Boeing.)Minimal pair to /ø/öt 'five' ∼ őt 'him/her (Hungarian pronouns do not specify gender)'
P/p/About this sound peas, apricot, hope
(Q)Q occurs only as part of the digraph qu in foreign words, realised as /kv/Aquincum [ɑkviŋkum] (name of an old Roman settlement on the area of present-day Óbuda). Words originally spelled withqu are today usually spelled with kv, as in akvarell 'watercolor painting'.
Rer/r/About this sound (not used in BE, pronounced like Spanish R or like the t and tt in AE water and butter)also called apical trill as pronounced by trilling the tip of your tongue (the apex) and not the uvula.
Ses/ʃ/About this sound share, wishshoutThis notation is unusual for European writing systems where <s> stands for /s/ virtually everywhere. In Hungarian, /s/ is represented by <sz>.
Szesz/s/About this sound say, estimate
T/t/About this sound tell, least, feast
Tytyé/c/About this sound (not used in English) similar to: stew, Stuart (BE RP)
Úú/uː/About this sound do, foolminimal pair to /u/hurok 'loop' ∼ húrok 'cords'
Üü/y/(not used in English, corresponds to German Ü)A shorter, more open variant of ű
Űű/yː/About this sound (not used in English)
V/v/About this sound very, every
(W)dupla vé/v/About this sound view, evolve,vacuumonly occurs only in foreign words and in Hungarian aristocratic surnames
(X)ikszoccurs only in loanwords, and there only when denoting /ks/;[ɡz] is transcribed: extraAlexandra, but egzakt 'exact'.
(Y)ipszilon/i/in loanwords, usually rendered as /i/ or /j/. Occurs very often in old Hungarian aristocratic surnames where it stands for /i/ or /ʲi/: 'Báthory' [baːtori], 'Batthyány' [bɑcːaːɲi] or [bɑcːaːni] (<n>+<y> ∼/n/+/ʲi/ ∼ /nʲi/ ∼ /ɲi/)
Z/z/About this sound desert, roses
Zszsé/ʒ/About this sound pleasure, leisure,genre

Hungarian Language Lesson 2-Colors   LECKE 2 - SZINES

redpirospiros is used for inanimate or unemotive objectsa paradicsom piros the tomato is red
redvörösvörös is used for animate or emotive objectsa lány haja vörös the girl's hair is red (auburn)
orangenarancssárganarancs the fruit orange; sárga yellowa narancslé narancssárga the orange-juice is orange
yellowsárgaa sárgarépa nem sárga, hanem narancssárga the carrot is not yellow, but orange
greenzöldzöldség = vegetable
bluekéka tenger kék volt the sea was blue
purplelilalila eső purple rain
whitefehérFehér úr szereti a fekete kutyát.Mr White likes the black dog.
blackfeketeFekete Ország
pinkrózsaszínrózsa rosea rózsa rózsaszín the rose is pink
grey (gray)szürkeNot for hairPozsony szürke Bratislava is grey
grey (gray)őszFor hairDaniel még nem ősz hajú Daniel is not yet grey-haired
blondeszőkeFor hairkedvelem a kék szemed és szőke hajad I like your blue eyes and blonde hair

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